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Wok Fa Hunga

30 Apr




The Walk for Hunger in Boston is happening this Sunday, May 5!  Always the first Sunday in May. Once upon a time, I worked at Project Bread – the Walk for Hunger.  True Bostonians pronounce it Wok Fa Hunga. Our alumni association is called the Bread Crumbs.  Project Bread was my virgin excursion into the walkathon world.  I was responsible for finding and training 2,000 walk day volunteers, some of the recruitment and much of the logistics for the main event oval and the 20-mile route.  I had never worked so hard in my young, spry life.

We worked all year round for one day.  We planted the seeds of preparation in the months then days leading up to the walk, with hopes for a beautiful bloom of smooth sailing on event day.

My time at Project Bread in the mid-90s was before online giving, internet email and mobile phones that were smaller than a brick.  We recruited 50,000 walkers who raised over $3 million each year by actually talking to team leaders in person or on the phone.   Old school.

According to the Project Bread website, money raised at this event will help fund hunger relief and prevention through over 430 emergency programs, schools, community health centers, farmers’ markets, community suppers, home care organizations, and other programs that protect the individual and strengthen our community’s food security throughout the state.

I learned a lot when I worked there. Not just the event operations stuff, but also about the issue of hunger. Hunger is not as visible an issue like cancer or AIDS or autism or diabetes.  Why?  We all know people or relatives of people that have or had cancer or AIDS or autism or diabetes. How many people do you know that are hungry?  They need you.

The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend.  Visit Boston.  Boston needs some lovin’. The tulips in the Boston Garden are in full bloom.tulips

Take a walk with several thousand other people who care. Raise some money and think about how lucky you are to have an occasional full belly.  Walk for Hunger.




Boston Marathon madness

16 Apr



Yesterday was the Boston Marathon, and just like every other year – our family and friends went to “our spot” at Mile 6 in Framingham to cheer on the runners.  The weather was perfect for runners – mid 40s to start and mid 50s in the afternoon.  A welcomed change from the 87 degrees last year.  A very welcomed change from the Mother Nature shit show this past winter.  There was nothing to shovel, and that made it a good day.

Yesterday was special since we were cheering on many friends, including our middle school principal and a close friend who was a charity runner for Children’s Hospital Boston.  Once our friend passed us, we loaded cars to drive to Newton to once again cheer him on.   Most of the Newton cheering posse then took the T (our public transit) to Boston so that they could cheer on our friend at the finish line.  I went back to our friends house to set up for a congratulatory cookout.

Yesterday my husband and daughter, along with many of our close friends, were at the finish line and saw our friend cross it minutes before the explosions went off.  Luckily, they had a predetermined a meeting place a few blocks away and luckily, my family and friends had started walking, and then running to the meeting place once they heard the explosions.  They eventually made it out of the city and back home safe, despite the roadblocks and emergency vehicle detours.

Once upon a time, I was a Marathon Volunteer at the finish line.  I remember the logistical operations and preparations for the event.  Everyone had credentials, which indicated the areas that you were allowed to be in.  Bomb-sniffing dogs made their rounds several times and many cameras were perched high above the crowds.  I felt that the emergency procedures shared with the volunteers were thorough and there were probably many other procedures I did not have credentials to even know about.

An old English proverb pertains to the tragic events of yesterday.  “Where there is a will, there is a way.”  Some jackass figured out a way to create madness on a beautiful day.   I am hopeful that law enforcement will find a way to bring this jackass to justice.

We will be back at “our spot” at Mile 6 next year.

Here’s a link to the Boston Marathon website.

Here’s a link to my friends fundraising page.

Peep in our Cheering Posse and his ARTwork


5 lessons from a school fundraiser

10 Apr


high fiveOur elementary school hosted their BIG spring fundraiser this past weekend.  Thankfully, we exceeded our goal and everything flowed smoothly.  We had over a dozen parents who helped coordinate this event by owning a piece of the responsibilities, like: Silent Auction; Raffle; Carnival Games; Stage Program; Concessions; Check-in and Check-out and the enormously-important CPT (Crappy Prize Table).

We had another dozen parents and students donate their time and talent to volunteer.   Here are 5 lessons I think will be helpful to others putting together a school fundraiser:

1.  Give them a reason to be there

We had our student play perform a repeat performance for the fundraiser.  This allowed for an automatic audience of kids and their parents and any relatives that could not make the first production.

2.   Have prizes for big kids and little kids


These prizes were connected so we could safely display them without worrying about them walking away.

We had carnival games for the kids and a raffle for big-kid and little-kid prizes.   We had three large prizes and a bunch of donated gift cards for raffle winners.


We asked our parents to donate (gently) used or new birthday party favors that have collected in their homes so we could display it for the kids to redeem prize tickets earned at the carnival games.

did any of these items come from your closet or basement?

did any of these items come from your closet or basement?


3. Determine your currency

We had our guests purchase “bucks” at the front of the event so all of the money would be in one place, and not in different places around the building.  The “bucks” were used to purchase raffle tickets, carnival games and concessions.  This allowed our police detail to focus their energy on keeping an eye on the front of the house where the guests enter and where the cash is kept.


4.  One door to get in, many to get out

We charged $5 for adults and kids were free.   To make sure we collected from all of the adults, we created a bottleneck once they entered so we could make sure they had to walk next to the check-in table to enter the event.


just one door was unlocked for entrance

5.  Collect money before the event

Even though we had baseball, soccer and lacrosse games to compete with – many families were able to squeak-in an hour or so to attend the event.  To protect the income of the fundraiser, we had pre-sold some raffle tickets two weeks earlier so that peeps could participate if they could not attend.   The bulk of the money came in the day-of from the silent auction of donated goods and services from local merchants and teachers.

Quite a production!  It has been said that it “takes a village” to raise a child – well, it also takes a village to raise several thousand dollars for a school fundraiser.  Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the event!




Looking for Leatherman

12 Mar

Best friend for an Event Manager

Best friend for an Event Manager


I just read the good news that the TSA is going to allow certain kinds of knives back on planes.  Unfortunately, the states of Michigan and Massachusetts are not playing, since it is still a felony to do so.

A few years ago, the TSA took away my Mini Leatherman.  I was a random flag at security and my bag was searched. The agent was so proud that she came upon my 2.5-inch Mini Leatherman that she created a freak show around me. A crowd of agents surrounded me and held it up in the air to make an example of me and my 2.5-inch Mini Leatherman.  I must have made their day.  Thankfully, an unimpressed gentleman behind me must have felt my pain because he walked by sarcastically exclaiming “WWWWWOW”.

You see, I am an Fundraising Events Consultant and I was traveling to do some good, charitable work.  I need my Mini Leatherman to cut duct tape, snip electrical ties (also known as concert cuffs – a story for another time), pull staples out of wood, pluck a stray eyebrow hair, open locked porta-pottie doors etc…

I realize it was only $26 but it was really petite and a perfect size to carry in my purse and pocket.  I miss it and want it back.

When I was given the choice to go back and check the leatherman in my luggage, I couldn’t, since I was carrying-on.  Then I was given the choice to leave the security line and go mail the piece back home.  WTF?  I did not notice any USPS kiosks in our Terminal.   So, I was resigned to turning over my beloved Mini Leatherman to be included in the TSA-Holiday-Party-Yankee-Swap-of-Confiscated-Items.  Mutha Fucka.   I was told that they destroy all confiscated items.  Riiiiiight.  I felt naked and vulnerable without it. It was my wooby.

I loved the Mini so much that I bought one for all my staff one year as a holiday gift.  I learned to love the versatility of the Leatherman when my Dear Boss David at the Walk for Hunger (Wok FaHunga if you live in Boston) gave me one.  It was a long time ago and I still have it.

Everyday Essential

Everyday Essential


So now, I ask the TSA peeps:  Let’s get everyone on the same page so us event folk can carry our Mini Leathermans onto planes so we can be prepared for our next adventure.  Puhleez!

One last thing.  I was pleased to read that the TSA is relaxing the rules for small bats. Not for me, but for the passengers at the Louisville Airport that got their mini Louisville Slugger bat taken away. I was shocked to see that they actually displayed a large cylinder full of these bats at the beginning of the security line.  Perhaps the Louisville Slugger store inside the Louisville airport should have had a USPS kiosk just outside.  Ugh.


Sequestration Constipation

5 Mar



cutting the budget

cutting the budget


What happens when you have a budget sequestration that causes constipation?  Your money gets backed-up in the pipeline.

All of this nonsense I have been reading about a sequestration made me think about the possibility of having a walkathon budget cut. What happens when you are told that you still need to have a walk, and you need to do it for less money?  You have a goal to raise a certain amount of money  – money that researchers, survivors and staff are depending on.  What to do?

Ideally, most walkathons have expenses of less that 20%.  Trimming money will be hard.  Where do you cut the walkathon budget?  I would start with the three largest budget items. Budget Busters – The three P’s:

Postage, Police and Printing.  Here’s how:


Hopefully you have had a meeting with your local Postmaster, so you can make sure that you are mailing at the least expensive rate.  There is also a company called Postal Advocate that can audit your postage expenses and make sure your are being efficient.


If you are having your walk on City property, you may be stuck with City Police as your only route and site security options.  You may also want to check if the County Sheriff’s department offers security detail for less money.  If your event is on park property, you may be able to have Park Rangers be your route security – for ALOT less money.  Some Park Rangers do not pack heat, and you need the heat around the Registration Tent and Banking areas.


T-shirts are a huge money-suck on an event.  My feeling is that if you are giving a shirt away for free, then it should be short sleeve white with a one-color imprint on one side.  If you are selling t-shirts, then order less and sell out early.  Cost-cutting options are to buy short sleeve instead of long sleeve.  Two color imprint instead of four.  One-side imprint only. 

Same idea with printing collateral.  Use black and blue instead of four color.  Put a screen on the black and blue in some areas to make them lighter so it looks like you have four colors.  Ask your printer about using less expensive paper.  Maybe there is a less expensive standard size that you can adjust your artwork to fit.  Your graphic designer can help.

It is frustrating to be told to do the same for less.  Budget cuts are no fun, but it is a good exercise to see where you can offer the same services for less money.  I doubt anyone would notice if any of the above suggesstions were actually used.  If they do, you can tell them that sequestration frustration made you do it, and you would rather see the money raised go toward the mission.


who knew?

who knew?


Universal Tchotchkes

26 Feb

universally expensive

universally expensive

February school vacation.  Time to get outta the snow in New England and head to warmer places.  We took the family to Universal Orlando, so our kids would have the opportunity to complain about their crappy life in a different location.

Before stepping foot in Florida, we had already shelled out some serious money to secure flights, hotel and park tickets.  So what was left to pay for?  Food and a few trinkets, I thought.  I hoped.  Not so.  Universal made it VERY easy to leave my money at their amusement park.

I counted more stores than actual rides.  I counted more places to eat than actual rides.  So smahhht!

Once you disembark from a ride, you must follow the exit signs to get out.  The exit signs lead you to the ‘gift shop’ of theme merchandise matching the ride you just exited.

Shrek show – meet the Shrek shop.  Minion Mayhem – meet the Despicable department store:


ET.  Phone your credit card company and raise your spending limit:

ET. Extra Tchotchkes.

ET. Extra Tchotchkes.


So how does my expensive vacation relate to your walkathon?  Many of you will sell tshirts or hats or bears or bracelets to raise some extra cash at your event.  You may remember my previous post about Tchotchkes.  I always liked to make sure that my walkers had to walk by my merchandise tent to get to registration or the start line.   Now I’m not suggesting that you have the same, gigantic selection that these apres-ride stores have.  I’m suggesting that your walkers and volunteers should have another opportunity to leave more of their money with you by strategically placing your merchandise tent in their path.

Just like the amusement parks do.

Here is a photo of Fire and Gasoline during a rare moment of affection:



Logistics fun in NYC

23 Jan


New York City. A logistics wonderland. We took the kids for the MLK Holiday weekend and I was able to take some fun photos during our travels.

TKTS Time Square

Pockets full of money and no one to give it to

Pockets full of money and no one to give it to

All of these people are waiting for hours to exchange their money for a discounted theater ticket. Hours in line!!  I will never understand why anyone would make a customer wait in line to give them money. Perhaps they could get more ticket agents down there so the line goes more quickly.

Remember this when setting up your registration tent.  Have plenty of volunteers so that your walkers do not have to wait a long time to give you their hard-earned donations. It is not good customer service to make some one wait to give you money. Ever. EVER!

If you saw my previous post about fave porta-pottie names, then you know I am a fan.  Here is one I have never seen before:

Call A Head.  Get it?

Call A Head. Get it?

This was placed in the South Street Seaport area.  We went to walk around and found that the area was devastated by Hurricane Sandy and most of the shops are closed.  The area is desolate.   Many store fronts had tape on the windows and construction permits indicating water damage. So sad.

Elevated police station Times Square
I was intrigued to see this 4′ x 4′ box about 20 feet above the ground.  How do they get up there?

How do they get up there?

How do they get up there?

DSC01086 DSC01087
I took some photos while waiting on the top of our double-decker tour bus.  One of of the cops waiting to board was holding a verrrrry large coffee cup.  I doubt he was wearing a catheter, so
I’ll leave the pottie situation up to your imagination.

Worked well, needs improvement

15 Jan


tell me!


One of the most important things you can do after your walkathon is to check yourself.  In the words of one of my fave RHOA ladies… “Who’s gonna check me, boo?”

How did the walk do – other than the obvious indicators of walkers and dollars?  Some things you can control, and some things you cannot.  Mother Nature is one of them.  What about the other things? Things that provide customer satisfaction?  Things that make your walkers want to come back?

The day after the walkathon, I would always send an email to staff and volunteer coordinators titled “364 days to go!”

While the event was fresh in their minds, I wanted to know what went well and what needs improvement.  Who best to give me a reality check than the people who volunteered their time and talent to make it happen?  I would always receive a big-honkin’ load of responses.  Good, bad and ugly.

This kind of immediate feedback is crucial for the successful planning of the next event.  I would print-out these responses and make a list of things that are, and aren’t fixable.  Many of the nasty-gram responses were in reference to the early-hour they had to arrive or the culinary selection of snacks.  However, there would always be a few delightful gems in the bunch that I could fix for the next year.

These literary opinions would be kept in an obnoxious-colored file folder on my desk so it would always be easy to grab for an occasional perusal of the previous event.  Make sure to give credit to the person that offers a money or time-saving suggestion!  Sometimes it is the little things that make a big change!



thanks for trying!

5 things to do during walkathon “off-season”

8 Jan


5 things for your radar


Ahhhhh, the off-season.  Miller Time – yes?  Your walk is over and you have 364 days to prepare for the next one.  What to do?

Here is a list of 5 things to keep on your radar as you prepare for the next walk:

1. Database

Clean it up!  Junk-in means junk-out.  You need clean data to run the reports indicating your top walkers, teams and companies.  Go thru the database to de-dupe it and delete the dead weight.

2. Thank-yous

You may have seen my previous post about thanking the walkers, donors and sponsors. Do it in a timely manner so you have time to properly organize your pitch to have them join you again.

3. Expenses

How much did it cost to operate your walkathon?  It is hopefully under 20%, and you can identify ways to bring the costs down for next year.   Plan a date with your Accounts Payable person to check things out.  Perhaps you can get discounts if you order some of the non-negotiable stuff early.

4. Permits

If you liked your location, and it worked well – LOCK IT DOWN for next year.  See if there is a discounted fee for paying early.  Same thing for potties, tents and toilets.

5. Inventory

When the boxes came flying off the truck and you took the junk out of the trunks – where did it go?  Did you go thru it first to make sure you did not misplace a registration form or a check? Time to make sure you are not be storing any food (now moldy) for the next walk.   Sort it, clean it, count it, box-it-up and tape-it-closed.  Write the quantity of each item on the outside of the box. Boom!

high fiveDid you really think you were going to be able to relax when the walkathon was over?   Plant the seeds now so that they bloom in time for the walk!

Why do we have walkathons?

4 Dec


Why do organizations have a walkathon?

Several reasons, but foremost is the opportunity to be part of a community that wants to raise awareness and money for an important cause.

The “cause” may be a research fund, a disease, a building or a school.  Anything important to you.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a walkathon for a parent at our elementary school. A member of our community that needs help.

Her name is Kris Burke and her family needed some emotional, motivational and financial support.  You can read about the Birthday Friendraiser Walk here.  We walked around the backyard of our school on a snowy course created with borrowed orange cones.  Not a 5K or a 5-mile route.  Maybe 500 yards total.

The focus of the walk was not for any of the traditional “causes” listed above, but to celebrate her birthday.  We wanted to take the focus off of her Stage 4 cancer for a few hours last Saturday to celebrate her life.   We also raised some much needed money to help pay for the upcoming medical bills that forced her into bankruptcy earlier this year.

This walk was not a huge, logistical operation.   It was the work of a few mommies that pieced together some publicity, supplies and activities to make it a fun few hours for about 50 parents and their kids.   We had snow.  We had birthday cake. We had hot cocoa.  We had a busted CD player that kept shredding the song Gangnam Style. (The kids still danced to it anyway!) Kris and her family had smiles and memories that allowed them to hopefully forget their troubles and enjoy a birthday party in the snow.

This is why we walk.

If you would like to learn more about Kris and possibly help out her family, please visit