Happy October! Be prepared for falling leaves, cooler weather and the retail world using the color pink to sell merchandise!
I like to start the month by getting a mammogram. I went today for my annual breast-squishing and it was lovely. Not really, but early detection is the best protection. Go Git-er-done!
As I mentioned above, ’tis the season for the retail world to use the color pink, and the issue of breast cancer to make money. I have come upon a few of these merchants in the past week and I’ll share with you my findings on how much money (if any) they are giving to the cause.

Here is what I found at my local BJs in the September. Just like Halloween candy in August, and Christmas decorations in October – this vendor got a jump on the pink stuff. West Coast Novelty group proudly displays that they will give $100K to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation regardless of sales. I LOVE that they are upfront about the donation! I think that ALL retailers using a color or a cause to sell merchandise should indicate on the packaging how much they are giving and the exact name of the organization they are giving to. Charity Navigator gives the BCRF a four-star rating. That’s good.

I saw this promotion in the Sunday newspaper and received an email a few times this past weekend. Sports Authority is selling pink stuff to support breast cancer awareness month. I clicked thru the link that they offered to find out about preventing breast cancer. No mention on a monetary donation or breast cancer organization was indicated. Just buy the pink stuff offered by Wilson, Nike, Columbia, New Era, Gaiam, etc.. The Sports Authority Sport Your Pink promotion is clearly just an awareness (read: marketing) campaign.

One of my fave online retailers, Lands End, sent out this email this week indicating their Pink Thread Project and partnership with breastcancer.org. According to their website: From totes and towels to cardigans and shirts – through October 31, 2014, when you apply one of six pink thread icons on any Lands’ End item that can be embroidered, 75% of the $6.00 embroidery application fee will be donated to Breastcancer.org
Being a mathematician, I computed that 75% of $6 is $4.50. I found some small print and read that the donation will be up to $10,000. I like the generous amount of the donation, and wonder if their marketing plan costs are more than the actual donation. Charity Navigator gives four stars to breastcancer.org
I’m sure to see more of these pink promotions this month and I look forward to sharing with you!
Best of luck this weekend to my pals at the Boston Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk! May Mutha Nature be smiling on you!