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Why make a charitable contribution?

18 Dec


Another great debate regarding charitable contributions.

Some think that eliminating the deduction will deter future gifts.

Some think that the deduction is not a motivating factor in making a gift.

What do you think?

I read a good article today in the WSJ about two viewpoints regarding the possible elimination of the charitable contribution deduction.   Why do people make charitable contributions?

My opinion is two-pronged:

1. People give because they were asked and

2. People give because they support the mission of the cause.

My opinion is mostly based on the fact that I do not know anyone in my social circle that makes big-honkin’ charitable contributions simply for the tax deduction.

If you receive an invitation to a black-tie fundraising gala in Palm Beach in February, or have recently had a building named after you – then you probably have allotta money to share.   I think they are the folks that care about the tax deduction.

So, I ask my readers:

Why do YOU make a charitable contribution?

I quote my fave song from C&C Music Factory – “Things that make you go Hmmmmm”

11 words needed to deduct charitable gifts

17 Nov


Great article today in the WSJ about What Charities Owe Donors with regards to making sure that charitable donations can be tax deductible.  The IRS says that you need to have an acknowledgement stating the 11 words “No goods or services were received in exchange for the contribution.”

So, if you plan on being generous with charitable gifts over $250 – make sure you get a thank-you note that contains the above 11 words.

‘Tis the season to be pink

16 Oct



‘Tis the season for random merchandise to shamelessely promote their items by including a pink ribbon on the packaging.

I have already posted a few here, and here.

And today, for your viewing pleasure are a few more that are using the pink ribbon to promote their products.

No indication of any monetary donation or an organization receiving support.

I like this article about how we should think before we pink.

This article from the Daily Mail UK is a bit much but a fun read, with good photos!


Good Read of the day

15 Sep


Why Can’t We Sell Charity Like We Sell Perfume?

Great article by Dan Pallotta in the WSJ today about letting charities operate like businesses.  Enjoy!


9 Sep


Great article about how you should Think before you pink.