Archive | February, 2018

Game of Thrones

28 Feb


Are these the most beautiful potties you have ever seen?


You know I love a good potty story!

Today in the Boston Globe was a story about the high demand for port-o-potties.

What I found to be most interesting is that the Labor Unions require a potty for every 20 workers. Quite a difference from the one potty for 200 walkers that most walkathons subscribe to.

If you want to read about my past potty posts – you can check them out here and here.

As always – please feel free to forward any good potty company names and photos!

2018 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar

15 Feb


Thanks to the NP Tech for Good Peeps…

Here is the 2018 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar!


15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service — #MLKDay
21: World Religion Day#WorldReligionDay


2: World Wetlands Day — #WorldWetlandsDay
4: World Cancer Day — #WorldCancerDay
13: World Radio Day#WorldRadioDay
14: World Bonobo Day — #World Bonobo Day

14: V-Day — #VDay
18: World Whale Day#WorldWhaleDay

20: World Day of Social Justice — #SocialJusticeDay
22: Digital Learning Day — #DLDay
27: International Polar Bear Day#PolarBearDay
27: World Spay Day — #WorldSpayDay

28: Rare Disease Day — #RareDiseaseDay


3: World Wildlife Day#WorldWildlifeDay
8: World Kidney Day — #WorldKidneyDay
8: International Women’s Day — #WomensDay

21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination#EndRacism
21: International Day of Forests#ForestsDay
21: World Down Syndrome Day#WDSD18
21: World Poetry Day#WorldPoetryDay
22: World Water Day — #WorldWaterDay

24: World Tuberculosis Day — #WorldTBDay
24: Earth Hour#EarthHour


2: World Autism Awareness Day — #WorldAustismDay
7: World Health Day#WorldHealthDay

12: International Day for Street Children — #StreetChildrenDay
14: World Dolphin Day #DolphinDay
15: World Art Day — #WorldArtDay
22: Earth Day — #EarthDay
23: World Book Day#WorldBookDay
25: World Malaria Day — #WorldMalariaDay
25: World Penguin Day#WorldPenguinDay
30: International Jazz Day#JazzDay


1: International Workers’ Day — #LaborDay
3: World Press Freedom Day#WorldPressFreedomDay
10: World Lupus Day — #WorldLupusDay
12: World Migratory Bird Day#WorldMigratoryBirdDay

12: World Fair Trade Day — #FairTradeDay
17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia#IDAHOT
18: International Museum Day — #MuseumDay
18: Endangered Species Day — #EndangeredSpeciesDay
22: International Day for Biological Diversity#BiologicalDiversityDay

23: World Turtle Day — #WorldTurtleDay
31: World No Tobacco Day — #WorldNoTobaccoDay


5: World Environment Day#WorldEnvironmentDay
8: World Oceans Day — #WorldOceansDay
12: World Day Against Child Labor#WDACL

14: World Blood Donor Day — #WorldBloodDonorDay
20: World Refugee Day — #WorldRefugeeDay
21: International Day of Yoga#YogaDay
22: World Rainforest Day#WorldRainforestDay
23: Gay Pride Day#Pride2018


11: WorldPopulationDay — #WorldPopulationDay
18: Nelson Mandela International Day — #MandelaDay
World Hepatitis Day#WorldHepatitisDay
29: GlobalTiger Day — #GlobalTigerDay
30: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons#WorldDayAgainstTrafficking


8: International Cat Day#CatDay
9: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples — 
10: World Lion Day — #WorldLionDay
12: International Youth Day — #YouthDay

12: World Elephant Day — #WorldElephantDay
17: National Nonprofit Day#NationalNonprofitDay (Internationally recognized)
18: International Homeless Animal Day#IHAD18
19: World Humanitarian Day — #WorldHumanitarianDay
26: International Dog Day#DogDay
29: International Day Against Nuclear Tests#AgainstNuclearTestsDay


5: International Day of Charity#CharityDay
8: International Literacy Day — 
10: World Suicide Prevention Day — #WSPD18
15: International Day of Democracy#DemocracyDay
21: International Day of Peace — #PeaceDay
22: World Rhino Day — #WorldRhinoDay
23: World Rivers Day — #WorldRiversDay
27: World Tourism Day#WorldTourismDay


2: World Habitat Day#WorldHabitatDay
4: World Animal Day — 
5: World Cerebral Palsy Day#WorldCPDay
5: World Teachers Day — #WorldTeachersDay
10: World Mental Health Day — #WorldMentalHealthDay
11: International Day of the Girl — #DayOfTheGirl
12: World Arthritis Day — #WorldArthritisDay
15: International Day of Rural Women#RuralWomenDay
16: World Food Day#WorldFoodDay
16: Global Cat Day#GlobalCatDay

17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty#EndPoveryDay
29: World Internet Day#WorldInternetDay
31: World Cities Day#WorldCitiesDay


13: World Kindness Day#WorldKindnessDay
14: World Diabetes Day — 
15: World Philosophy Day#WorldPhilosophyDay
16: International Day for Tolerance#ToleranceDay
19: World Toilet Day#WorldToiletDay
20: Universal Children’s Day — #ChildrensDay
21: World Television Day#WorldTVDay
25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women#EndViolenceAgainstWomen
27: Giving Tuesday#GivingTuesday


1: World AIDS Day — #WorldAIDSDay
3: International Day of People with Disabilities — #IDPwD
5: International Volunteer Day#VolunteerDay
5: World Soil Day#WorldSoilDay

9: International Anti-Corruption Day #AntiCorruptionDay
10: International Human Rights Day — #HumanRightsDay
11: International Mountain Day — #MountainDay
18: International Migrants Day#MigrantsDay

Have a fantastic year!!