Potty Talk

13 Nov


The three Ts of walkathons are tables, tents and toilets.
If you saw my previous post regarding my fave porta pottie names, then you saw that you gotta have them at an event.  Would you ever invite guests to your home with a broken bathroom?  Never!

Once the potties are delivered to your event, gently ask an intern or new staff member to visit the potties and make sure they have enough paper. Give them a duct tape bracelet (always a lovely event accessory!) and send them to work decorating the inside of the potties with some messaging.  You have a trapped audience, so use the time to your advantage!

Thank the walkers for attending the event! Share some factoids about your organization.

Most important potty protocol – make sure the pottie doors open on the opposite side of the walker traffic. Nobody likes a pedi-jam due to the opening of pottie doors into walker foot traffic. Plus, a waiting line may form and completely block the walk route.

Consider this a potty public service announcement.

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